Large selection of LA Approved Delta 8 THC and CBD!

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Action Alert

Attention CBD users! Currently, in the state legislature they are considering a
bill that will completely kill the THC and Full Spectrum CBD market in Louisiana.
During a recent committee hearing there were many mistruths stated concerning
Louisianians use of THC. It was inferred again and again that users of THC were only
trying to get high. They were not given the opportunity to hear from retailers who
work with responsible THC users every day. The Representatives in this committee
did not hear how full spectrum CBD assists with pain anxiety, ptsd, sleep and so
much more. They are hearing from the opposition and now they need to hear from
you! If you want to continue having local access to your THC products please
contact your representatives today! Time is of the essence.

Tell them to VOTE NO ON SB237!!

Find your Representative and their contact info:




3200 Severn Avenue 

Metairie LA 70002


Check your REWARDS Balance here


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Due to state laws, we cannot ship Delta-8 THC to these states: Alaska, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, New York, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, Utah and Washington

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